We make wellness accessible for everyone
Health and wellbeing is an individual journey. Unfortunately, most popular plans, diets and regimens are appallingly un-diverse and un-inclusive. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ individuals have been underserved through mainstream health and nutrition.
It's time to reclaim our health.
That's why we offer medical nutrition therapy, sustainability and joy focused health coaching, affirming meditations, and mindfulness tools tailored to the individual.
Self-care and body acceptance are transformative.
We make them accessible.

What We Do
Chronic stress is the biggest threat to health of our modern times. Racism, transphobia, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry are sources of daily stress that continually push many employees and organizations to the breaking point. That's why we offer health and wellness through a uniquely inclusive lens.

Diverse teams suffering from burnout and chronic stress benefit from a health and wellness intervention.

Save time and money wasted on generic approaches. Take back control of your health, on your schedule.
Get the Book. Liberate Yourself.
The lack of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ representation in the fields of health and nutrition has led to repeated racist and unscientific biases that negatively impact the very people they purport to help. Few mainstream body positivity resources address the intersectional challenges of anti-Blackness, colorism, homophobia, transphobia, and generational trauma that exacerbate stress and serve as barriers to wellness and self-care.
A road map to body acceptance and self-care for queer people of color, Decolonizing Wellness is filled with practical eating practices, journal prompts, affirmations, and mindfulness tools. Ultimately, decolonizing nutrition is essential not only to our personal well-being but to our community’s well-being and to the possibility of greater social transformation.
